Unregulated charter schools and private school vouchers receive almost 20% of the state’s education budget. Research shows that most vouchers aren’t going to needy children, but instead wealthier families.

    We must also work to fight back against diversity, equity, and inclusion bans. These bans remove scholarships, African-American studies, and DEI resources for our students.


    The right to vote is among the most sacred in our democracy. That’s why Republicans voted to pass the most restrictive Voter ID law in the country and purged millions of Ohioans off the voter rolls.

    We must work to restore the right to vote to every Ohioan. It should be easy to vote and pick our politicians instead of the other way around.

    That’s why I will support automatic voter registration and civil engagement programs so that more of our community can be informed.


    Electricity and grocery prices have gone through the roof under Republican leadership. Much of this is due to corporate bailouts associated with Housebill 6.

    It’s imperative that we protect medicaid programs and entitlements to help the most needy, while solving economic problems so that all of our families can prosper.

  • JOBS

    Unions and workers are the backbone of our country and community. Labor helped create a strong and prosperous middle class and I’m proud to stand with union members. That’s why I will work to prevent toxic “right to work” legislation. I will support and champion apprenticeships and vocational programs.


    The majority of Ohioans believe access to abortion should remain a legal option. Physician groups, like the American Medical Association, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the American Academy of Family Physicians, support access to abortion care. That’s why Issue 1 was handily defeated by pro-abortion groups.

    Statehouse Republicans, however, are voted to outlaw all abortions, with no exceptions for rape, incest, terminal fetal abnormality, or exceptions for the life of the mother.


    Everyone knows that our criminal justice system is broken. It is a criminal legal system that needs a justice component added badly. We can get rid of cash bail, increase funding for diversionary programs, and invest in mental health support services (for our community and public servants).